NFPA Calculation

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FM-200 Agent Online Calculator


Explanation :

FM200™, also commonly known as HFC-227ea, is a clean agent fire suppressant for Class A, B, and C fires and meets NFPA Standard 2001 Clean Agent Fire .
Total Flooding Quantity Calcualtion :
The quantity of agent required to achieve the design concentration shall be calculated from the following equation:
W = quantity of clean agent [lb (kg)[
V = net volume of hazard, calculated as the gross volume minus the volume of fixed structures impervious to clean agent vapor [ft3 (m3)]
C = agent design concentration (vol %)
s = specific volume of the superheated agent vapor at 1 atm
and the minimum anticipated temperature [°F (°C)] of the protected volume [ft3/lb (m3/kg)]
Time for Safe Human Exposure at Stated Concentrations for HFC-227ea
  • Means shall be provided to limit exposure to halocarbon agents to no longer than 5 minutes.
  • Unprotected personnel shall not enter a protected space during or after agent discharge.
Minimum Design Concentration (MDC).
The target agent concentration determined by applying a safety factor to the minimum extinguishing concentration or inerting concentration for the hazard (s) to be protected.
No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL).
The highest concentration at which no adverse physiological or toxicological effect has been observed
Lowest Observable Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL).
The lowest concentration at which an adverse physiological or toxicological effect has been observed.
  • Where egress takes longer than 30 seconds but less than 1 minute, the halocarbon agent shall not be used in a concentration exceeding its LOAEL. Concentrations exceeding the LOAEL shall be permitted provided that any personnel in the area can escape within 30 seconds.
Total Flooding System.
A system consisting of an agent supply and distribution network designed to achieve a total flooding condition in a hazard volume.
Local Application Systems:
A local application system shall consist of a fixed supply of clean agent permanently connected to a system of fixed piping with nozzles arranged to discharge directly into the fire.
Uses of local system.
Local application systems shall be used for the extinguishment of surface fires in flammable liquids, gases, and shallow solids where the hazard is not enclosed or where the enclosure does not conform to the requirements for total flooding.
The quantity of clean agent required for local application systems .
shall be based on the rate of discharge and the time that the discharge must be maintained to ensure complete extinguishment. The minimum design quantity shall be no less than 1.5 times the minimum quantity required for extinguishment at any selected system discharge rate